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Student Org Graphic Design

Graphic Design from various student organizations to create event-based content.

ETK logo_full color_transparent.png

Entertainment ToKnight

President (2023-2024)

Marketing Executive (2021-2023


Entertainment ToKnight was my college's campus programming organization. As their Marketing Executive for two years, I created countless graphics, posters, and other marketing materials. As the president for one year, I led my team to put on successful and fun events on campus.


As the largest funded student organization, my team made it a mission to connect the student body through events. Our team put on countless events for the student body including bingos (our campus favorite), contracted artists, craft events, and more. This all was done of our own student effort, student-run with one advisor. We consistently put 2-3 events per month with year-long planning, budgeting, and marketing. Additionally, we often helped fund other group events, especially multicultural groups to bridge gaps.


Through ETK, I not only got to see how our work positively affected Wartburg's campus, but I also got to create some of the closest relationships I ever got during college.


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IMG_6692 2.JPG
Cookie dough poster.png
Screen Shot 2022-12-04 at 9.27.16 PM.png
Screen Shot 2022-10-18 at 10.00.53 PM.png
Screen Shot 2022-10-18 at 10.01.09 PM.png
Screen Shot 2022-12-04 at 9.27.34 PM.png
Artboard 3_2x.png

Other Organizations

I was an active member of many student organizations on campus, but I also was an active attendee of many other groups on campus. 


I was asked to help design posters to promote two multicultural events including the first-ever annual Latin Festival.

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